Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Torrancian Direction: Achievements and Limits

I've been interacting with Thomas F. Torrance's works for about four years now.  Most Reformed only know him because of his Barthian leanings on Reformation history.  Admittedly, Richard Muller has completely discredited his historiography, but that's not my interest.  When it comes to science and Patrology, he has an encyclopedic mind.  In fact, his studies on Athanasius could be possible advances in theology.

Currently listening to his Belfast Lectures. If someone can find his Ground and Grammar lectures in mp3, let me know.


  1. I normally get irritated when people switch sites, but I do prefer blogspots to word.press blogs.

    Nice to see the more irenic preach, but don't go too easy on the Orthodox!

  2. I, too, try to not switch that often. But I have about 3 wordpress usernames tied up with my gmail and I really had several mental breakdowns over the past few years trying to figure which is which. Okay, maybe not that bad, but still.
